May20, 2018 – Matthew 10:39

He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.

– Matthew 10:39

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

This is the Lord’s demand of His disciples and of us. When we need to bear testimony for God in trials and hardships, if we can give up our life, we will have nothing to fear, and can bear beautiful and resounding testimony for God. This reminds me of Peter’s prayer, “God! I have only one faith and only one love. My life is worth nothing, and my body is worth nothing. I have only one faith and only one love. I have faith in You in my mind and love for You in my heart; these two things only have I to give to You, and nothing else.” Yes! Peter can be crucified upside down for God and still said on the cross that he couldn’t possibly love God enough. This is Peter’s testimony to be perfected. Now we should imitate Peter: Give our lives into God’s hands in hardships and trials, and obey God until death.