May 8, 2019—Proverbs 10:12

Hatred stirs up strifes: but love covers all sins.
– Proverbs 10:12

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Hatred is a trigger for sins. In order to protect our own interest, we easily become hateful when encountering friction with others. If this is not resolved, it can provoke us into retaliatory responses. When things get to this point, we cannot easily turn back. So this verse tells us, love covers all sins. If we can love each other, then it’s not difficult to work out our enmities. Especially before God, if we love Him, then we should obey all that God does. Even though what He does doesn’t conform to our conceptions, we still can put aside ourselves and continue to follow Him. God’s words say, “‘Love,’ as it is called, refers to an emotion that is pure and without blemish, where you use your heart to love, to feel, and to be thoughtful. In love there are no conditions, no barriers, and no distance. In love there is no suspicion, no deceit, and no cunning. In love there is no distance and nothing impure. If you love, then you will not deceive, complain, betray, rebel, exact, or seek to gain something or to gain a certain amount.” Hence, when something happens to us, if we can learn to put aside ourselves and be tolerant, and show love to others more, everything will turn better.