May 21, 2019—Psalms 54:2

Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.
– Psalms 54:2

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Prayer is a means by which we commune with God, and is also God’s basic requirement of us.

Looking back, Israelites attacked Jericho through prayer; the people of Nineveh repented and asked God to pardon them also through prayer. In our experiences, we also feel that we can unconsciously understand many things we did not understand through prayer; we’ll have faith and our spirit will become strong through prayer when facing dangers and hardships; God will lead us through adversity when we call out to Him in difficulties. We can really experience that there is so much significance in prayer. Share a passage of words, “Prayer is one of the ways in which man cooperates with God, it is a means by which man calls upon God, and it is the process by which man is touched by God’s Spirit. It can be said that those who are without prayer are dead ones without spirit, proof that they lack the faculties to be touched by God. Without prayer, they are unable to attain a normal spiritual life, much less are they able to follow the work of the Holy Spirit; without prayer, they sever their relationship with God, and are incapable of receiving God’s approval.

If we open our hearts to God and speak the words within our hearts to Him, we’ll definitely feel the power of prayer!