August 7, 2019—Matthew 23:12

And whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

– Matthew 23:12

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

From this verse we can see that God likes those who can humble themselves rather than those who are arrogant. This reminds me that at the end of the Age of Law, when the Lord Jesus was doing His work, the temple became a thieves’ den that people exchanged money and sold oxen, sheep and doves. There are some people who walked out of the temple accepted God’s new work, while the arrogant scribes and Pharisees didn’t seek the new work of the Lord and held onto the law, and finally, they became the chief culprits who nailed the Lord to the cross. Today, at the crucial time of welcoming the second coming of Jesus, when someone spreads the gospel of the second coming of Jesus to us, we should seek humbly, do not follow in the Pharisees’ footsteps, otherwise we’ll easily miss the opportunity to welcome the Lord.